TwinPath Turbo Compressor Lift

Turbo compressor lifted with Slingmax Twinpath Slings

Hanes Supply Recently Provided Solutions for this Turbo Compressor Lift with custom fabricated SlingMax TwinPath Slings

Hanes Supply was contacted by a customer to assist in the assessment and supply of rigging equipment to move a turbo compressor unit weighing 356,000 pounds. Upon evaluation it was found that some obstacles existed. There were two large funnels coming out of the top of the unit and a row of bayonet fittings that would be in the way of traditional rigging. The unit was manufactured with lifting lugs in place but the funnels prevented using two overhead hooks to rig the load out from the center on each end.

The facility had a 190 ton spreader beam that had one center hook. We determined that we could lift this beam with the two 120 ton crane hooks on the overhead crane and rig to the single hook with two TPXC12500 TwinPath Slings in a reverse basket hitch to the four lug pick points using 3 inch shackles. In order to clear the bayonets we blocked out the shackles on one side as shown in the picture above after stepping it down with 2-1/2 inch shackles in order to raise the pick point. Hanes manufactured two washers for each shackle in order to center the shackle to shackle pick point on the bow of the 3 inch shackle.

This was a rush job as there was a time window when we would have the rail car for shipment available. The facility did not have chain slings large enough to handle the load. We had determined the rigging requirements by 10:30 am and an order was placed. The product was manufactured and delivered by Hanes Supply before 6:00 p.m. that same day. This included the Slings, Wear Pads and Washers as shown in the photos. Chain sling for the same lift would have weighed over 1800lbs. Each TPXC12500 weighed only 60 lbs. The load was lifted to set it aside while the spacer beams on the base were removed. Once they were removed the unit was returned to and installed on the base. Then the entire unit was moved across the floor and lifted onto the flat bed rail car for shipment.

Weight of Turbo Compressor: 356,000 lb
Time to Construct the Turbo Compressor: 3.5 years
Estimated value of the Turbo Compressor: 15 million dollars
Weight of TwinPath Slings: 120 lb
Time to Manufacture and Deliver TwinPath Slings: 7.5 hours
Value of TwinPath Slings: PRICELESS

Hanes Supply, Inc., is always up for the opportunity to resolve your rigging challenges.

Please contact Hanes Supply for all your Sling and Rigging requirements.
